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Jr/Sr High Athletics


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JH Boys' Basketball Results

The 8th Grade team defeated Columbus Lakevie 43-37 Monday night in Wayne. Colston Starzl led the scoring effort with 20 points, including five three-pointers. Kash Haase added 9 points, while Mason Kramer (6 points), Remyngton Rager (6), and Jacob Francis (2) also scored for Wayne. 

The 7th Graders also beat Lakeview with a score of 41-27. Mason Wendte led the team with a very efficient 20 points (4 three pointers), Louie Severson scored 12 points, while Merrick Miller (5), and Joshua Carillo and Owen Avery with two points each also scored for Wayne. 

A combination of 7th and 8th graders played in a live scrimmage against Columbus Lakeview between games. Wayne was victorious by a final score of 22-1. Nine players scored for the Blue Devils, led by Carson Heiser and Logan Walling with 4 points apiece. Cash Tili, Santiago Mejia, Keaton Hall, Chase Rethwisch, Jacob Fehringer, Dreu Jensen, and Rhys Hanish each scored 2 points. 


Wayne will travel to Hartington CC on Saturday.